Bimini Pride Day - South Bimini Beach Clean-Up!
Saturday, May 21st, was the first ever Bimini Pride Day. The event was set to be an island-wide clean-up that tackled the litter and trash accumulated along the roadsides & beaches of Bimini.
Over 100 people participated on North Bimini, yet just a handful of people helped out on South Bimini. Bimini Sands & the SharkLab have lead and organized dozens of clean-up efforts around South Bimini over the years, and we were hoping to get help from other homeowners, business owners and residents for the Bimini Pride Day event.
A few Bimini residents that surely enjoyed our efforts were the three Common Nighthawk mothers that had laid eggs along South Bimini's gorgeous western beaches. Nighthawks are voracious predators of various insects, including mosquitoes, so we were very happy to help tidy up around their nests to ensure that the next generation of these birds starts chowing-down on mosquitoes as soon as possible.
Hopefully the next clean-up event will garner a bigger turn-out, but regardless, Bimini Sands is always happy to do our part in keeping Bimini clean and beautiful.