
International Coastal Cleanup Day on Bimini

September 25, 2010 was International Coastal Cleanup Day, and as we have done dozens of times in the past, a crew from Bimini Sands joined the effort to pick up trash along the beaches of Bimini.

Teams from the Ministry of Tourism, the SharkLab (BBFS), the entire Bimini Sands Recreation & Activity staff, and even the local kids from the Bimini Sands Kid's Club joined forces for a day of beach cleaning, as part of an internationally organized effort.

In just a few hours, the team on South Bimini removed over 600 pounds of debris from our beaches, and that is not including the totals from North Bimini.

Bimini Sands recognizes that all of us, local Bahamians and visiting guests, have a responsibility to take care of this island, and we encourage all our guests and employees to help us keep Bimini a beautiful, clean Island in the Stream.