World Famous Bimini Shark Lab
Believe it or not, South Bimini is home to a world famous marine research lab, the Bimini Biological Field Station. Here on the island the organization is known simply as the Shark Lab (and its researchers are sometimes called "sharkies"). As you can guess from the nicknames, the lab focuses on the marine ecology of Bimini with an emphasis on shark research. The lab welcomes visitors and is just a short stroll away from Bimini Sands. Their website is here: Bimini Biological Field Station - BBFS. Our Activities Directors, Grant and Katie, used to work at the Shark Lab and are always happy to discuss the ecological aspects of Bimini. Not to mention their extensive time on the island makes them the ultimate "insider guides" - so if you have questions about where to go, what to do - just ask Katie or Grant. You can email either one direct